Rose Bouquet El Toro


All bouquets are delivered in a craft box protecting from any weather conditions.

All our bouquets are individual and made according to your wishes. We reserve the copyright to determine the final composition of the bouquet, given the seasonality of the flowers, but we promise that the bouquet will remain as stylish and unique.

A classic bouquet of luxury red roses. Sourced from sustainable farms, our florists use the striking “Rose El Toro” to create this classy arrangement. Send 100 roses or more and make someone’s day even more special. Perfect for Valentine’s day, birthday or an anniversary.

  • Rose El Toro – 100 Pcs.

The culture received a Spanish name, which means “bull, calf” in translation. And this is not without reason, because the color of its buds is red. They amazingly combine both passion and sophistication. The Red El Toro Rose is the ultimate symbol of love, passion, and desire. It is the most classic of all the rose colors, and still the most popular. It is the ultimate flower to give for Valentine’s Day.

Our roses are sourced from the best growers around the world, nurtured with love and selected based on their colour and beauty.