Flower Bouquet Florine

Original price was: 1,200.00$.Current price is: 1,000.00$.

17% Off

Same Day Flower Delivery is available in the USA from our network of local florists. Orders for flower delivery today must be placed by 1pm in the delivery zip code. Next day delivery options or dates in the future are also available. Cut off time for delivery same day varies on weekends and during peak holidays.

In order to ensure you receive the freshest product possible, we will make every attempt to deliver the specified product. In some cases our florists may need to substitute a similar container or flowers.

Angel’s Flowers NYC works hard to maintain a network of reliable florists nationwide, but sometimes delivery issues cannot be avoided. We want you to know that Angel’s Flowers NYC stands behind our 100% satisfaction guarantee and, if you are not satisfied with the timing of your delivery, you should contact us.

All our bouquets are individual and made according to your wishes. We reserve the copyright to determine the final composition of the bouquet, given the seasonality of the flowers, but we promise that the bouquet will remain as stylish and unique.

  • Peonies
  • Ecuadorian Roses
  • Hydrangeas
  • Delphinium
  • Orchids
  • Palm Spears


Luxury flower delivery in NYC in same day. The team at Angel’s Flowers NYC is committed to providing you the highest quality flowers, plants and gifts available in New York City, at the fairest price possible.

Every customer is very important to us and we strive to give our utmost professional attention to every single order. Our entire staff is dedicated to delivering the highest level of customer service for your luxury flower delivery in NYC.